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Richard Nonas – Una giornata particolare
Le opere, volute per ricordare la “Giornata della Liberazione”, verranno presentate in concomitanza della 76° Fiera Regionale del Vino e costituiranno il primo nucleo di una raccolta permanente di opere pubbliche ospitate nel Parco
Comunicato stampa
Segnala l'evento
“una giornata particolare”
25 aprile
Sabato 25 aprile 2008 alle ore 18.00 si inaugurerá presso lo Spazio Pubblico Arte
Contemporanea nel Parco di Villa di Toppo Florio in via Sottomonte 17 a Buttrio
(UD) la mostra “Richard Nonas, una giornata particolare”, esposizione di sculture
realizzate per l’occasione e per il sito dall’artista americano Richard Nonas.
A seguire, incontro musicale con il Tristan Honsinger Trio (Tristan Honsinger violoncello,
Gabriele Cancelli tromba, Paolo Pascolo flfl auto) e, a fifi nire, Hybrida dj set
resistente. La mostra, a cura di Filippo Fossati, è promossa da Comune di Buttrio
e Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - Assessorato all’Istruzione Cultura Sport
Politiche della Pace e della Solidarietà - con il sostegno delle Aziende Agricole Conte
d’Attimis-Maniago e Pontoni Flavio, della Cava di Sarone s.r.l., di Interna Group, de Le
Generali Assicurazioni e della Società Ferrovie Udine Cividale s.r.l., con la collaborazione
di Esso Gallery di New York, di Hybrida Space e della Pro Loco Buri.
Le opere, volute per ricordare la “Giornata della Liberazione”, verranno presentate in
concomitanza della 76° Fiera Regionale del Vino e costituiranno il primo nucleo di una
raccolta permanente di opere pubbliche ospitate nel Parco. Per Una giornata particolare
Richard Nonas ha realizzato una serie di sculture di grandi dimensioni in pietra
e legno, ideate nel contesto del parco disponendo ed accostando materiali raccolti e
scelti in Regione.
Richard Nonas é un artista anomalo nel panorama internazionale contemporaneo. Il suo
percorso non ha seguito la formazione professionale tipica degli artisti della sua generazione.
Nonas non ha frequentato accademie né ha prestato particolare attenzione alla
storia dell’arte, non ha partecipato alle turbolente discussioni sull’arte contemporanea
né si è insabbiato in teorie avanguardistiche transitorie. Nonostante ciò, ha condiviso le
esperienze e la storia degli ultimi 50 anni d’arte internazionale, compagno di strada di
alcuni fra i piú grandi artisti di questo periodo come Bruce Nauman, Gordon Matta Clark,
Laurie Anderson, Lawrence Weiner, Richard Tuttle, Robert Grosvenor, Mel Bochner, Carl
Andre. I suoi lavori sono ospitati presso le piú importanti raccolte pubbliche e private del
mondo come il Socrates Sculpture Park di New York, il Museum of Contemporary Art di
Los Angeles, il Detroit Museum of Art, l’Art Gallery of Ontario di Toronto, Canada, il Musée
Spazio Pubblico
Arte Contemporanea
Parco Di Toppo Florio
via Sottomonte, 17
Buttrio (Udine)
de Grenoble in Francia, il Landesmuseum Francisco Caolinum di Linz, Austria, de Grenoble in Francia, il Landesmuseum Francisco Caolinum di Linz, Austria, la collezione
Vogel a New York, la Collezione Panza di Biumo a Varese, la collezione Ratti a Como,
la collezione Mattioli a Milano, per citarne alcune. Nato nel 1936, inizia a costruire le sue
sculture minimaliste a metá degli anni ‘60, dopo una laurea in antropologia a cui segue
un dottorato e un lungo periodo di esperienza sul campo fra le tribú indigene del deserto
del Nuovo Messico - gli indiani Papago - e poi presso la tribú esquimese degli Inuit nel
nord del Canada. Probabilmente è in questi soggiorni di studio e di scoperta che Nonas
incomincia a voler trasformare in oggetti tridimensionali le parole che in precedenza pensava
di riunire in un libro sulla sua esperienza. Richard Nonas è un artista alla stregua di
un esploratore che azzarda, che viaggia su di una mappa geografifi ca inesistente e che
lui stesso compone in maniera avventurosa. “Richard Nonas è il piú radicale degli artisti
minimalisti che ho collezionato negli anni ’60 e ‘70” - scrive nella sua autobiografifi a intitolata
Memorie di un collezionista il Conte Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, attento conoscitore
d’arte di quegli anni, che ha raccolto un considerevole numero di opere dell’artista nella
sua villa/museo vicino a Varese. Dice ancora Panza: “Richard Nonas ha trasformato la sua
ricerca antropologica per la natura primordiale dell’essere umano in scultura…” E queste
sue sculture non sono solo una verififi ca fifi sica delle possibilitá di riduzione oltre cui è impossibile
andare, ma anche e soprattutto una verififi ca fifi losofifi ca, la critica della ragion pura
di Kant applicata alla materia di cui è composto il tutto. Sono il massimo della semplicitá
e del rigore compositivo, sono il confifi ne ultimo delle possibilitá espressive, sono la forma
originale della realtà che prende il posto della forma originale del pensiero, sono l’inizio e
la fifi ne di tutte le cose fifi siche e metafifi siche, della materia stessa, oltre cui c’è solo l’ignoto,
ció che neppure l’artista esploratore puó descrivere o spiegare; sono, per dirla in poche
parole, delle sculture e dei luoghi.
Per Nonas, affermare tutto questo, cioè valicare i confifi ni e riflfl uire fuori da un processo
classico di creazione scultorea, da uno sviluppo lineare e progressivo, signififi ca affermare
una radicalità ed un radicamento; non collocare gli oggetti solo in rapporto all’occhio
specializzato dell’artista ma valutarli per la loro realtà propria, come modi e motivi di una
costellazione senza centri prestabiliti.
L’epilogo di queste affermazioni teoriche diventa, per Nonas, il linguaggio stesso. Il mezzo,
la scultura con i suoi materiali il suo peso la sua tridimensionalità, diventa protagonista
nell’intento di voler rappresentare null’altro se non se stessa.
La mostra resterà aperta, in concomitanza della 76° Fiera del Vino con ingresso libero,
dalle 10.00 alle 20.00. Per i restanti giorni dell’anno in concomitanza con gli orari di apertura
dello Spazio Pubblico Arte Contemporanea o su appuntamento.
Per ulteriori informazioni
Tel. +39 348 5625948
Tristan Honsinger violoncello
Gabriele Cancelli tromba
Paolo Pascolo fl auto
Il violoncellista statunitense Tristan Honsinger è uno dei più affermati esponenti della
musica improvvisata contemporanea, il suo percorso, che spazia dalla classica al jazz, alle
composizioni di musica da concerto, alle musiche per spettacoli di danza, di teatro, alle
performance, ai testi sia scritti che improvvisati, lo porta ad essere un artista unico nel suo
genere, un protagonista della scena della free music sin dagli anni settanta, facendo parte
delle più importanti formazioni - quali Cecil Taylor Unit, ICP, Globe Unity Orchestra - e
suonando assieme ai più importanti musicisti dell’area improvvisativa. Per la performance di
stasera sarà accompagnato da Gabriele Cancelli alla tromba e da Paolo Pascolo al fl auto.
Richard Nonas é nato a New York nel 1936 vive e lavora a New York City. Ha studiato antropologia
all’Università del Michigan, al Lafayette College, alla Columbia University di New
York ed all’Università del North Carolina ed ha passato diversi anni tra gli Inuit canadesi e
le tribú nel deserto del Messico.
Mostre Personali ed Installazioni:
Rochester Surround: 3 days/3 ways, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Richard Nonas: Enclosures (Inaugural exhibition), 10 Bleeker Street, NYC
Richard Nonas, 112 Greene Street, NYC
Richard Nonas, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources Inc., NY
Richard Nonas: California Steel Pieces, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Richard Nonas: Other Drawings, 112 Greene Street, NYC
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Minetti Rebora Galleriaforma, Genoa, Italy
Galleria d’Allessandro, Rome, Italy
Richard Nonas, Galerie Schottle, Munich, Germany
Richard Nonas, 383 West Broadway, NYC
Galleria Marilena Bonomo, Bari, Italy
The Third Sculpture of the Boundary Man Series, The Idea Warehouse, The Insitiute for Art and Urban Resources
Equalizer, NY
Richard Nonas, Holly Soloman Gallery, NYC
Works in Wood 1970-1976, Art Gallery, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Richard Nonas: Nuove Sculpture in Una Vecchia Torre, Presented by Marilena Bonomo, Spoleto, Italy
Richard Nonas, Galleria San Fedele, Milan, Italy
Richard Nonas, Galerie Hetzler+Keller, Stuttgart, Germany
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Wright State University Art Gallery, Dayton, OH
Richard Nonas, Galleria Salvatore Ala, Milan, Italy
Montezuma’s Breakfast, PS1, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., Long Island City, NY
Outdoor installations, Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX
Outdoor sculpture: Montezuma’s Ballroom (Marker for Frank Salcido), Illinois Center Plaza/Young-Hoffman
Gallery, Chicago, IL
Richard Nonas/Sculpture, John Weber Gallery, NYC
Viewpoints: Richard Nonas, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
Richard Nonas, G. Mollet-Vieville/J.P. Najar, Paris, France
Richard Nonas, Texas Gallery, Houston, TX
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Ugo Ferranti Gallery, Rome, Italy
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Albert Baronian Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Richard Nonas, Annemarie Vernia Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Nonas/Mangold: combined shows, John Weber Gallery, NYC
InK. Zurich, Switzerland
Richard Nonas, Galleria Salvatore Ala, Milan, Italy
Richard Nonas, Young Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Outdoor installation, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, GA
Richard Nonas: Canadian Word-Chaser Series, Mercer Union, Toronto, Canada
Two outdoor installations, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
New Sculpture and Drawings (Inaugural exhibition), Oil and Steel Gallery, NYC
Richard Nonas, The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY
Get Out/Come Back/Stay Away: Richard Nonas/Sculpture/Drawings, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts
at Amerst, Amherst, MA
80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York University, NYC
Get Out/Stay Away/Come Back: Richard Nonas/Sculpture and Drawings, Galleriet (Anders Tornberg Gallery),
Lund, Sweden
Richard Nonas skulpturinstallation, Pictura, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Goats Itch/Richard Nonas: Narrative Work/Sculpture/Drawing/Sound-Tape, Franklin Furnace, NY
Richard Nonas: Drawing, Georgia State University Art Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Real Art Ways, Richard Nonas, Hartford, CT
Harborfront, Richard Nonas, The Photography Gallery, Toronto, Canada
(Sit, Still), Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Outdoor installation, Houston Festival. Houston, TX
Outdoor instillation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Small Sculptures/Some Drawing, Jack Tilton Gallery, NYC
Installation of Outdoor Chairs, Sponsored by Public Art Fund, City Hall Park, NYC
Anderson Gallery, School of the Arts, Richmond, VA
The Coathanger Sculptures, plus Drawings, Commonwealth University, VA
Outdoor installations, Sponsored by Bjorn Nordenhake and Nordic Sculpture, Broby, Sweden
Sponsored by Bjorn Nordenhake, Boalt, Sweden
Annemarie Verna Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Jack Tilton Gallery, NYC
Richard Nonas: Parts to Anything, Nassau County Museum, Roslyn Heights, NY
Krista Mikkola Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Outdoor installation, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, MO
Outdoor installation, C.W. Post College, Long Island University, Long Island, NY
Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Pamela Auchincloss Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
Outdoors, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA
Outdoor installation: Cut Cord, Pori, Finland
Outdoor installation: How long settled in? Real lives: Mule Mountains, Bisby, AZ
Sten Ericsson Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Outdoor installation, Socrates Sculpture Park, NYC
Permanent installation, Lund Museum of Art, Lund, Sweden
Outdoor Instillation, Flushing Meadows Park, NYC
Ace Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA
Outdoor installation, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, NY
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
Lucifer Landing (Permanent installation), Cranbrook Institute of Art, Birmingham, MI
Galerie Hans Meyer Dusseldorf, Germany
Sandra Gering Gallery, NYC
Galleri Lars Bohman, Stockholm, Sweden
Christine Burgin Gallery, NYC
Wall Sculpture, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Secret Sharer--for Joseph Conrad, Permanent outdoor sculpture, Lodz, Poland
Between Old Times: Sculpture for a changing castle--for Bronislow Malinowski, Center of Contemporary
Art, Warsaw, Poland
Harcus Gallery, Boston, MA
Ben Shahn Galleries, William Patterson College, Wayne, NJ
Gallery 360 Degrees, Tokyo, Japan
Handelshogskolan, Stockholm, Sweden
Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Sculpture, HYPERLINK “”Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Hetapollohuis, Eindhoven, Holland
Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke-Houte, Belgium
Person’s Weekend Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Its own melting: new sculpture, Ace Gallery Los Angeles, CA
Richard Nonas, part 1, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Richard Nonas: Drawings, Gallery 360 Degrees, Tokyo, Japan
Richard Nonas, part II: Nunavut: Art and the birth of the thing, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
(Outdoor installation; fi fteen granite chairs), Museum of Contemporary Art Stockade, Los Angeles, CA
Transit, Xippas Gallery, Paris, France
One Five, Bruxelles, Belgium
Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
C.C.C. Tours, France.
Cold Coffee. First in the Morning, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Crude Thinking. First in the Morning, Last at Night. Lunds Konsthall, Lund, Sweden
Crude Thinking/Thick Making. John Hansard Gallery, The University of Southhampton, Southampton, England
MAMCO, Geneva Switzerland
Hubert Winter Gallery, Berlin, Germany
(Permanent outdoor sculpture)oö Landesmuseum Francisco Carolinum, Linz, Austria
Permanent instillation LaColonne Terminèe 3,Wanås Sculpture Park, Knislinger, Sweden
Permanent installation of the main square. 12 granite chairs in an 8m diameter circle, Borös, Sweden
Permanent outdoor installation, Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, MI
Musée d’art modern et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland
Primo Piano Galleria Rome, Italy
Galerie Hubert Winter Vienna, Austria
Hill Gallery, Detroit, MI
Five Myles Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Permanent stone installation at Emery University, Atlanta, GA
Permanent stone installation at Mondsee, Vienna, Austria
HYPERLINK “”Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Selezione Mostre Collettive
Inaugural exhibition, 112 Greene Street, NY
Twenty Six by Twenty Six, Vassar College Art Gallery, Poughkeepsie, NY
The Brooklyn Bridge Event, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., NY
Artist/Location, outdoor installations, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, MN
112 Greene Street, NYC
Bykert Gallery, NYC
New Sculpture: Robert Grosvenor, Forrest Myers, Richard Nonas, C.U.N.Y., City University Graduate Center
Mall, NYC
The Large Outdoor Sculpture, Ramapo College, Ramapo, NJ
Six Sculptors/7,000 Square Feet, 10 Bleecker Street, NYC
112 Greene Street, NYC
Seven, Penthouse Gallery, The Museum of Modern Art, NY
1973 Biennial Exhibition: Contemporary American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, NY
Installation of work in permanent collection, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Second Annual Contemporary Refl ections 1972-73, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefi eld, CT
Art in Evolution, Xerox Square Exhibit Center, Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY
In Spaces, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Mass ‘73, outdoor installations, Chicago, IL
112 Greene Street, NYC
Six Visions, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
New Sculpture: Jene Highstein/Richard Nonas, outdoor installations, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Artists Books, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA (Traveled to University Art Museum, University of California,
Berkeley, CA)
Anarchitecture Group, 112 Greene Street, NYC
Questions Answers, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Discussions: Works/Words, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., NY
Painting & Sculpture Today 1974, Contemporary Art Society, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Traveled to The Contemporary Art Center and The Taft Museum, Cincinnati, OH
Sculpture in the Fields, Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY
Artpark 1974, (Inaugural exhibition), Artpark, Lewiston, NY
Artists Make Toys, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., NY
Cologne Art Fair-Marilena Bonomo Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Opening Group Exhibition (Inaugural Exibition), Holly Solomon Gallery, NYC
Word Image Number, Sarah Lawrence Gallery, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Drawing and Sculpture of the ‘60’s and the ‘70’s from Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection, Institute of
Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (Painting, Traveled to Contemporary Art
Center, Cincinnati, OH)
Travaux sur Papier (First part), G. Mollet-Vieville/J.P. Najar, Paris, France
Travaux sur Papier (Second part), G. Mollet-Vieville/J.P. Najar, Paris, France
(Project Studios One) (Inaugural exhibition),The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., PS1, Long Island
City, NY
Holz=Kunst-Stoff, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, West Germany
New York Downtown Manhattan: SoHo, Akademie der Kunste and the Berliner Festwochen, Berlin, Germany
Private Notations: Artist’s Sketchbooks II, Philadelphia College of Art. Philadelphia, PA
A Month of Sundays, PS1 (Project Studios One), The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., Long
Island City, NY
Summer Group Exhibition, Holly Solomon Gallery, NYC
Hal Bromm, NYC
Art & Project Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Plastik und Zeichnung, Hetzler + Keller, Stuttgart, Germany
Collection in Progress: 200 or so Selections from the Collection of Milton Brutten and Helen Herrick, Moore
College of Art Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Improbable Furniture, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Documenta 6, Kassel, West Germany
Michael Goldberg/Richard Nonas/Lucio Pozzi/Lynn Umlaf, Young Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Works from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel, The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann
Arbor, MI
Bildhauerzeichnungen, Galerie D + C Mueller-Roth. Stuttgart, Germany
Indoor-Outdoor Sculpture, PS1 (Project Studios One), The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., Long
Island City, NY
Painting & Sculpture Today 1978, The Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Sculpture, Hal Bromm, NYC
Atypical Works, Julian Pretto Gallery, NYC
Recent Works, John Weber Gallery, NYC
WordsWords, Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany (Traveled to Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy)
Procedimento-Process, Studio la Citta, Verona, Italy (Traveled to Galleria del Milione, Milan, Italy
Drawing, Hal Bromm, NYC
Five Sculptors, Yarlow/Salzman Gallery, Toronto, Canada
John Weber Gallery, NYC
Food and Frameworks, Holly Solomon Gallery, NYC
Sculpture at the Coliseum, Organized by the Institute for Art and Urban Resources Inc., Long Island City, NY
Recent Work/Gallery Artists, John Weber Gallery, NYC
112 Greene Street Revival, Ben Shahn Gallery, William Paterson College, NY
Alternatives in Retrospect: An Historical Overview 1969-1975, The New Museum
4 X 7 from The Vogel Collection, Ben Shahn Gallery, William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ
Collections of the Moderna Museet Stockholm, Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Group Show, Oil & Steel Gallery, NYC
Konstruckcja w Procesie, Sponsored by the Solidarity Union, Lodz, Poland
Ibid., Stockhold, Sweden
When Art Becomes Book, Annemarie Verna, Zurich, Switzerland
Monumental Drawings by Sculptors, Hillwood Art Gallery, C.W. Post Center, Long Island University, Greenvale,
New York i Linkoping, Ostergotlands Lansmuseum, Linkoping, Sweden
Terminal New York, Brooklyn Army Terminal, Brooklyn, NY
Sculpture: The Tradition in Steel, Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY
Iron Cast, Pratt Manhattan Center Gallery, NYC (Traveled to Pratt Institute Gallery, Brooklyn, NY)
The First Show: Painting and Sculpture from Eight Collections: 1940-1980, The Museum of Contemporary
Art, Los Angeles, CA
Noir & Blanc + Rouge, Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Various underground shows in illegal galleries, Poland
Installations, Directions on Broadway, NYC
Svart Pa Vitt: Maleri, Skulptur, Techning & Grafi k, Galleriet (Anders Tornberg Gallery), Lund, Sweden
Selected Recent Acquisitions, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC
Iron-Cast, Washington Square and Public Art Trust, Washington, DC
Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture V: 1957-1984, Oil & Steel Gallery, NYC The Dead Blimpie Show, NYC
Art on Paper 1984, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC
The Ways of Wood, Spponsored by the OIA, Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing, NY
Short Stories, Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Galeria Zapiecek, Warsaw, Poland
Galleria Exit Krista Mikkola, Helsinki, Finland
Artists’ Weapons, Ted Greenwald Gallery, NYC
Drawing and Sculpture, Manhattan Art, NYC
A New Beginning: 1968-78, The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY
Galleri Lang, Malmo, Sweden
Manhattan Art, NYC
The Maximal Implications of the Minimal Line, Bard College Museum, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Outdoor installations, Henie-Onstad Art Center, Borealis 2, Oslo, Norway
Ten, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Process und Konstruktion: 1985 in Munich, Munich, Germany
Selected Works from the Permanent Collection, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Heights, NY
Skouptur, Sodra Forstadsgatan, Malmo, Sweden
Outdoor installations, Grant Park, Atlanta, GA
Architectural Elements in Contemporary Art, Gallery 53/Smithy Artworks, Cooperstown, NY
Galleria Bonomo, Bari, Italy
Contacts/Contrasts, Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland
Works, Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Outdoor installation, The Mattress Factory Show, Atlanta, GA
Pay Attention, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Walk On/Sit Down/GoThrough, outdoor installation, Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY
Craig Corneliuos Gallery, NYC
Attitude Art, Unmuzzled Ox Festival, NYC
Outside/In: Socrates Sculpture Park at Columbus Circle, City Gallery, NYC
Non-objective, Hal Bromm Gallery, NYC
Second Biennial Exhibition of Prints, Museum of Modern Artl Wakayama, Japan
10 for 10: Celebrating Printed Matter, The Great Hall of Cooper Union, NYC
With Humanity, Mary Delahoyd Gallery, NYC
Mind Over Matter, The Rye Art Center, Rye, NY
Black in the Light, Genovese Graphics, Boston, MA
From New York, Ace Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA
Private Works for Public Spaces, Erpf Gallery, NYC
Gordon Matta-Clark and Friends, Galerie Lelong, NYC
Coleccion Panza, Centro de Arte Reina Sofi a Madrid, Spain
The Material Image: Pure and Simple, Elizabeth McDonald Gallery, NYC
World Trade Center, NYC
Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Ace Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA
Artist’s Furniture, The Harcus Gallery, Boston, MA
Grounded: Sculpture on the Floor, The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI
Wanas Sculpture Park, Knislinge, Sweden
Permanent Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
About Round Round About, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Hand Body House, Ben Shahn Galleries, Wayne, NJ
Sculptor’s Drawings, L.A. Louver, Venice, CA
Wanas Sculpture Park, Knislinge, Sweden
L’Aventure de l’Abstraction de 1960 a 1990, La Fondation Deutsch, Belmont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
Un choix d’Art Minimal dans la collection Panza, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Post Minimalism 1979-1990, An extended harvest, Genovese Gallery Boston, MA
Works from the Seventies, Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, NY
Learn to Read Art: Artists’ Books, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Canada
Construction in Progress, Lodz, Poland
Nature’s Materials, North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, ND
Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
From the Collection of Laurie Vogel, Graham Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Out of Site, PS1 Museum, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Long Island City, NY
PS1 Museum, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Long Island City, NY
IIIeme Biennale de Sculpture Montecarlo 1991, Montecarlo, Monaco
Sites Choisis, Niort, France
Of Performances and Installations during the 1970s, Mary Delahoyd Gallery, NYC
LagerFeuer, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Collection One, Center for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
Bohuslans Museum, Tegel-92, Uddevalla, Sweden
Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke-Houte, Belgium
Vasaparken, Ute-Inne, Stockholm, Sweden
Gallery 360 Degrees, Tokyo, Japan
Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Floor Show, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Nine artists from 14 Harrison St., Alphirst Gallery, NYC
Edward Albee’s Other Eye, Hillwood Art Museum, Brookville, NY
Richard Nonas, Thomas Thiel, Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke-Zoute, Belgium
Differentes Natures, Visions de l’art contemporain, Galerie Art 4 et Galerie de l’Esplanade, Paris (La Defense),
Construction In Progress IV, Lodz, Poland
Pieces au Sol, Le Consortium, centre d’art contemporain, Dijon, France
Floor Show, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Zur.Zeit Klangobjekt-Skulpturprojekt Kunst.Halle.Krems. Krems, Austria
Traction: John Beech, Paul Dickerson, Richard Nonas, Stark Gallery, NYC
SKULPTUREN/GRAFIKEN Kosuth, Long, Morris, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
From Minimal to Conceptual Nauman, Nonas, Weiner, The National Galllery of Art, Washington, DC
Multiples 1992-1994, Gallery 360°, Tokyo, Japan
Site-ations, Cardiff, Wales, (Artists Project in association with Artists’ Museum Lodz)
Drawing Painting, Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
Learn to Read Art, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Temporarily Possessed: The Semi-Permanent Collection, The New Museum, NYC
(W)HO(W) ARE YOU, Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland
Richard Tuttle, Roni Horn, Richard Nonas, Gordon Matta-Clark, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Lecture by nonas at Depot “Gordon Matta-Clark and the displacement of Nature”, NYC
1970’s Vienna Austria, Vienna, Austria
Gordon Matta-Clark Displacement, NYC
1970’s (Curated by Richard Nonas) Galerie Hubert Winter
På tröskeln outdoor sculpture exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden
Metallsymposium 96 outdoor sculpture Spital am Pyhrn, Austria
Festival International Montpellier Danse (collaboration with Steve Paxton), Montpellier, France
Carl von... Borås Konstmuseum (outdoor sculpture), Borås, Sweden
Andersson (outdoor sculpture), Umedalen Skulptur 96 Galleri Stefan Umea Sweden
Dominikanerkirche Jahrtausendwende Korrekturen, Krems, Austria
Luis Barragan: Sitio+Superfi cie, Su obra y la vanguardia en la arte, Antiguo Solegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico
City, Mexico
Luis Barragan: La luz y la linea, Museo Regional de Guadalajara, Guadalajara Mexico
Tinsel Tower The Clocktower, NYC
Landesmuseum schwere-los skulpturen, Linz, Austria
Ludwig Museum Budapest/Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst. Schwere-los Budapest, Hungary
Kunst im Kontorhaus Mitte, Berlin, Germany
Liveres d’ Artistes. L’ Invention d’ un Genre 1960-1980, Bibliothèque national de France, Galerie Mansart,
Paris, France
Umedalen Skulptur 97 Umea, Sweden
Livres d’artistes.L’invention d’un genre, Bibliothèque national de France Paris, France
Bild Museet [UME.SE] Umea, Sweden
Fragments de 1971 a 1996, El Museu d’Art de Gerona Una Collecció Particular, Girona, Spain
Palais Liechtenstein Sarajevo 2000, Vienna, Austria
Temporary Museum of Contemporary Art Sarajevo 2000, Sarajevo, Bosnia
Galerie Hubert Winter Heimatweh-fernlust, Vienna, Austria
Guggenheim Museum, Bilboa, Spain
Tim Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
From Idea to Matter, curated by Edward Albee, Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA
Recent Large Scale Permanent Public Projects
Subway station Skarpnack, Stockholm, Sweden.
Urban axis consisting of pedestrian street, park and mall Rue de la Marine and redesigned landscape park
Parc de la Marine, Dunkerque, France.
Real Snakes in Imaginary Gardens (two garden projects), Festival International des Jardins, Chaumont sur
Loire, France
Outdoor steel sculpture, Musée de Grenoble, Grenoble France
Public plaza (with Gunilla Bandolin and Monika Gora), Stockholm Sweden
Circle of 12 granite chairs on large central plaza, Borås Sweden
Outdoor sculpture: 4 granite chairs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, MI
Permanent outdoor sculpture, Landesmuseum Francisco Carolinum, Linz, Austria
LaColonne Terminèe 3, permanent installation, Wanås Sculpture Park, Knislinger, Sweden
Parc de sculptures, Musée de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Large permanent stone sculpture overlooking lake, Moondsee, Austria
Chair/place installation, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
A Ghost in Every Kayak, Five Myles, NY.
Sophia&Maria and the Indians, Lawrence Markey Gallery NY.
Richard Nonas, Erik Stark Gallery, NY.
Richard Nonas, Tim Hill Gallery, Burmingham, MI.
Richard Nonas, Hubert Winter Gallery, Vienna Austria.
Richard Nonas, Tim Hill Gallery, Burmingham, MI.
Richard Nonas, Hubert Winter Gallery, Vienna, Austria.
Richard Nonas, lemmonscontemporary, NY.
Richard Nonas, Hubert Winter Gallery’ Vienna’ Austria.
“una giornata particolare”
25 aprile
Sabato 25 aprile 2008 alle ore 18.00 si inaugurerá presso lo Spazio Pubblico Arte
Contemporanea nel Parco di Villa di Toppo Florio in via Sottomonte 17 a Buttrio
(UD) la mostra “Richard Nonas, una giornata particolare”, esposizione di sculture
realizzate per l’occasione e per il sito dall’artista americano Richard Nonas.
A seguire, incontro musicale con il Tristan Honsinger Trio (Tristan Honsinger violoncello,
Gabriele Cancelli tromba, Paolo Pascolo flfl auto) e, a fifi nire, Hybrida dj set
resistente. La mostra, a cura di Filippo Fossati, è promossa da Comune di Buttrio
e Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - Assessorato all’Istruzione Cultura Sport
Politiche della Pace e della Solidarietà - con il sostegno delle Aziende Agricole Conte
d’Attimis-Maniago e Pontoni Flavio, della Cava di Sarone s.r.l., di Interna Group, de Le
Generali Assicurazioni e della Società Ferrovie Udine Cividale s.r.l., con la collaborazione
di Esso Gallery di New York, di Hybrida Space e della Pro Loco Buri.
Le opere, volute per ricordare la “Giornata della Liberazione”, verranno presentate in
concomitanza della 76° Fiera Regionale del Vino e costituiranno il primo nucleo di una
raccolta permanente di opere pubbliche ospitate nel Parco. Per Una giornata particolare
Richard Nonas ha realizzato una serie di sculture di grandi dimensioni in pietra
e legno, ideate nel contesto del parco disponendo ed accostando materiali raccolti e
scelti in Regione.
Richard Nonas é un artista anomalo nel panorama internazionale contemporaneo. Il suo
percorso non ha seguito la formazione professionale tipica degli artisti della sua generazione.
Nonas non ha frequentato accademie né ha prestato particolare attenzione alla
storia dell’arte, non ha partecipato alle turbolente discussioni sull’arte contemporanea
né si è insabbiato in teorie avanguardistiche transitorie. Nonostante ciò, ha condiviso le
esperienze e la storia degli ultimi 50 anni d’arte internazionale, compagno di strada di
alcuni fra i piú grandi artisti di questo periodo come Bruce Nauman, Gordon Matta Clark,
Laurie Anderson, Lawrence Weiner, Richard Tuttle, Robert Grosvenor, Mel Bochner, Carl
Andre. I suoi lavori sono ospitati presso le piú importanti raccolte pubbliche e private del
mondo come il Socrates Sculpture Park di New York, il Museum of Contemporary Art di
Los Angeles, il Detroit Museum of Art, l’Art Gallery of Ontario di Toronto, Canada, il Musée
Spazio Pubblico
Arte Contemporanea
Parco Di Toppo Florio
via Sottomonte, 17
Buttrio (Udine)
de Grenoble in Francia, il Landesmuseum Francisco Caolinum di Linz, Austria, de Grenoble in Francia, il Landesmuseum Francisco Caolinum di Linz, Austria, la collezione
Vogel a New York, la Collezione Panza di Biumo a Varese, la collezione Ratti a Como,
la collezione Mattioli a Milano, per citarne alcune. Nato nel 1936, inizia a costruire le sue
sculture minimaliste a metá degli anni ‘60, dopo una laurea in antropologia a cui segue
un dottorato e un lungo periodo di esperienza sul campo fra le tribú indigene del deserto
del Nuovo Messico - gli indiani Papago - e poi presso la tribú esquimese degli Inuit nel
nord del Canada. Probabilmente è in questi soggiorni di studio e di scoperta che Nonas
incomincia a voler trasformare in oggetti tridimensionali le parole che in precedenza pensava
di riunire in un libro sulla sua esperienza. Richard Nonas è un artista alla stregua di
un esploratore che azzarda, che viaggia su di una mappa geografifi ca inesistente e che
lui stesso compone in maniera avventurosa. “Richard Nonas è il piú radicale degli artisti
minimalisti che ho collezionato negli anni ’60 e ‘70” - scrive nella sua autobiografifi a intitolata
Memorie di un collezionista il Conte Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, attento conoscitore
d’arte di quegli anni, che ha raccolto un considerevole numero di opere dell’artista nella
sua villa/museo vicino a Varese. Dice ancora Panza: “Richard Nonas ha trasformato la sua
ricerca antropologica per la natura primordiale dell’essere umano in scultura…” E queste
sue sculture non sono solo una verififi ca fifi sica delle possibilitá di riduzione oltre cui è impossibile
andare, ma anche e soprattutto una verififi ca fifi losofifi ca, la critica della ragion pura
di Kant applicata alla materia di cui è composto il tutto. Sono il massimo della semplicitá
e del rigore compositivo, sono il confifi ne ultimo delle possibilitá espressive, sono la forma
originale della realtà che prende il posto della forma originale del pensiero, sono l’inizio e
la fifi ne di tutte le cose fifi siche e metafifi siche, della materia stessa, oltre cui c’è solo l’ignoto,
ció che neppure l’artista esploratore puó descrivere o spiegare; sono, per dirla in poche
parole, delle sculture e dei luoghi.
Per Nonas, affermare tutto questo, cioè valicare i confifi ni e riflfl uire fuori da un processo
classico di creazione scultorea, da uno sviluppo lineare e progressivo, signififi ca affermare
una radicalità ed un radicamento; non collocare gli oggetti solo in rapporto all’occhio
specializzato dell’artista ma valutarli per la loro realtà propria, come modi e motivi di una
costellazione senza centri prestabiliti.
L’epilogo di queste affermazioni teoriche diventa, per Nonas, il linguaggio stesso. Il mezzo,
la scultura con i suoi materiali il suo peso la sua tridimensionalità, diventa protagonista
nell’intento di voler rappresentare null’altro se non se stessa.
La mostra resterà aperta, in concomitanza della 76° Fiera del Vino con ingresso libero,
dalle 10.00 alle 20.00. Per i restanti giorni dell’anno in concomitanza con gli orari di apertura
dello Spazio Pubblico Arte Contemporanea o su appuntamento.
Per ulteriori informazioni
Tel. +39 348 5625948
Tristan Honsinger violoncello
Gabriele Cancelli tromba
Paolo Pascolo fl auto
Il violoncellista statunitense Tristan Honsinger è uno dei più affermati esponenti della
musica improvvisata contemporanea, il suo percorso, che spazia dalla classica al jazz, alle
composizioni di musica da concerto, alle musiche per spettacoli di danza, di teatro, alle
performance, ai testi sia scritti che improvvisati, lo porta ad essere un artista unico nel suo
genere, un protagonista della scena della free music sin dagli anni settanta, facendo parte
delle più importanti formazioni - quali Cecil Taylor Unit, ICP, Globe Unity Orchestra - e
suonando assieme ai più importanti musicisti dell’area improvvisativa. Per la performance di
stasera sarà accompagnato da Gabriele Cancelli alla tromba e da Paolo Pascolo al fl auto.
Richard Nonas é nato a New York nel 1936 vive e lavora a New York City. Ha studiato antropologia
all’Università del Michigan, al Lafayette College, alla Columbia University di New
York ed all’Università del North Carolina ed ha passato diversi anni tra gli Inuit canadesi e
le tribú nel deserto del Messico.
Mostre Personali ed Installazioni:
Rochester Surround: 3 days/3 ways, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Richard Nonas: Enclosures (Inaugural exhibition), 10 Bleeker Street, NYC
Richard Nonas, 112 Greene Street, NYC
Richard Nonas, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources Inc., NY
Richard Nonas: California Steel Pieces, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Richard Nonas: Other Drawings, 112 Greene Street, NYC
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Minetti Rebora Galleriaforma, Genoa, Italy
Galleria d’Allessandro, Rome, Italy
Richard Nonas, Galerie Schottle, Munich, Germany
Richard Nonas, 383 West Broadway, NYC
Galleria Marilena Bonomo, Bari, Italy
The Third Sculpture of the Boundary Man Series, The Idea Warehouse, The Insitiute for Art and Urban Resources
Equalizer, NY
Richard Nonas, Holly Soloman Gallery, NYC
Works in Wood 1970-1976, Art Gallery, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Richard Nonas: Nuove Sculpture in Una Vecchia Torre, Presented by Marilena Bonomo, Spoleto, Italy
Richard Nonas, Galleria San Fedele, Milan, Italy
Richard Nonas, Galerie Hetzler+Keller, Stuttgart, Germany
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Wright State University Art Gallery, Dayton, OH
Richard Nonas, Galleria Salvatore Ala, Milan, Italy
Montezuma’s Breakfast, PS1, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., Long Island City, NY
Outdoor installations, Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX
Outdoor sculpture: Montezuma’s Ballroom (Marker for Frank Salcido), Illinois Center Plaza/Young-Hoffman
Gallery, Chicago, IL
Richard Nonas/Sculpture, John Weber Gallery, NYC
Viewpoints: Richard Nonas, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
Richard Nonas, G. Mollet-Vieville/J.P. Najar, Paris, France
Richard Nonas, Texas Gallery, Houston, TX
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Ugo Ferranti Gallery, Rome, Italy
Richard Nonas: Sculpture, Albert Baronian Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Richard Nonas, Annemarie Vernia Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Nonas/Mangold: combined shows, John Weber Gallery, NYC
InK. Zurich, Switzerland
Richard Nonas, Galleria Salvatore Ala, Milan, Italy
Richard Nonas, Young Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Outdoor installation, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, GA
Richard Nonas: Canadian Word-Chaser Series, Mercer Union, Toronto, Canada
Two outdoor installations, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
New Sculpture and Drawings (Inaugural exhibition), Oil and Steel Gallery, NYC
Richard Nonas, The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY
Get Out/Come Back/Stay Away: Richard Nonas/Sculpture/Drawings, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts
at Amerst, Amherst, MA
80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York University, NYC
Get Out/Stay Away/Come Back: Richard Nonas/Sculpture and Drawings, Galleriet (Anders Tornberg Gallery),
Lund, Sweden
Richard Nonas skulpturinstallation, Pictura, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Goats Itch/Richard Nonas: Narrative Work/Sculpture/Drawing/Sound-Tape, Franklin Furnace, NY
Richard Nonas: Drawing, Georgia State University Art Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Real Art Ways, Richard Nonas, Hartford, CT
Harborfront, Richard Nonas, The Photography Gallery, Toronto, Canada
(Sit, Still), Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Outdoor installation, Houston Festival. Houston, TX
Outdoor instillation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Small Sculptures/Some Drawing, Jack Tilton Gallery, NYC
Installation of Outdoor Chairs, Sponsored by Public Art Fund, City Hall Park, NYC
Anderson Gallery, School of the Arts, Richmond, VA
The Coathanger Sculptures, plus Drawings, Commonwealth University, VA
Outdoor installations, Sponsored by Bjorn Nordenhake and Nordic Sculpture, Broby, Sweden
Sponsored by Bjorn Nordenhake, Boalt, Sweden
Annemarie Verna Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Jack Tilton Gallery, NYC
Richard Nonas: Parts to Anything, Nassau County Museum, Roslyn Heights, NY
Krista Mikkola Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Outdoor installation, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, MO
Outdoor installation, C.W. Post College, Long Island University, Long Island, NY
Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Pamela Auchincloss Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
Outdoors, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA
Outdoor installation: Cut Cord, Pori, Finland
Outdoor installation: How long settled in? Real lives: Mule Mountains, Bisby, AZ
Sten Ericsson Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Outdoor installation, Socrates Sculpture Park, NYC
Permanent installation, Lund Museum of Art, Lund, Sweden
Outdoor Instillation, Flushing Meadows Park, NYC
Ace Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA
Outdoor installation, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, NY
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
Lucifer Landing (Permanent installation), Cranbrook Institute of Art, Birmingham, MI
Galerie Hans Meyer Dusseldorf, Germany
Sandra Gering Gallery, NYC
Galleri Lars Bohman, Stockholm, Sweden
Christine Burgin Gallery, NYC
Wall Sculpture, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Secret Sharer--for Joseph Conrad, Permanent outdoor sculpture, Lodz, Poland
Between Old Times: Sculpture for a changing castle--for Bronislow Malinowski, Center of Contemporary
Art, Warsaw, Poland
Harcus Gallery, Boston, MA
Ben Shahn Galleries, William Patterson College, Wayne, NJ
Gallery 360 Degrees, Tokyo, Japan
Handelshogskolan, Stockholm, Sweden
Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Sculpture, HYPERLINK “”Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Hetapollohuis, Eindhoven, Holland
Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke-Houte, Belgium
Person’s Weekend Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Its own melting: new sculpture, Ace Gallery Los Angeles, CA
Richard Nonas, part 1, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Richard Nonas: Drawings, Gallery 360 Degrees, Tokyo, Japan
Richard Nonas, part II: Nunavut: Art and the birth of the thing, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
(Outdoor installation; fi fteen granite chairs), Museum of Contemporary Art Stockade, Los Angeles, CA
Transit, Xippas Gallery, Paris, France
One Five, Bruxelles, Belgium
Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
C.C.C. Tours, France.
Cold Coffee. First in the Morning, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Crude Thinking. First in the Morning, Last at Night. Lunds Konsthall, Lund, Sweden
Crude Thinking/Thick Making. John Hansard Gallery, The University of Southhampton, Southampton, England
MAMCO, Geneva Switzerland
Hubert Winter Gallery, Berlin, Germany
(Permanent outdoor sculpture)oö Landesmuseum Francisco Carolinum, Linz, Austria
Permanent instillation LaColonne Terminèe 3,Wanås Sculpture Park, Knislinger, Sweden
Permanent installation of the main square. 12 granite chairs in an 8m diameter circle, Borös, Sweden
Permanent outdoor installation, Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, MI
Musée d’art modern et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland
Primo Piano Galleria Rome, Italy
Galerie Hubert Winter Vienna, Austria
Hill Gallery, Detroit, MI
Five Myles Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Permanent stone installation at Emery University, Atlanta, GA
Permanent stone installation at Mondsee, Vienna, Austria
HYPERLINK “”Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Selezione Mostre Collettive
Inaugural exhibition, 112 Greene Street, NY
Twenty Six by Twenty Six, Vassar College Art Gallery, Poughkeepsie, NY
The Brooklyn Bridge Event, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., NY
Artist/Location, outdoor installations, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, MN
112 Greene Street, NYC
Bykert Gallery, NYC
New Sculpture: Robert Grosvenor, Forrest Myers, Richard Nonas, C.U.N.Y., City University Graduate Center
Mall, NYC
The Large Outdoor Sculpture, Ramapo College, Ramapo, NJ
Six Sculptors/7,000 Square Feet, 10 Bleecker Street, NYC
112 Greene Street, NYC
Seven, Penthouse Gallery, The Museum of Modern Art, NY
1973 Biennial Exhibition: Contemporary American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, NY
Installation of work in permanent collection, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Second Annual Contemporary Refl ections 1972-73, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefi eld, CT
Art in Evolution, Xerox Square Exhibit Center, Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY
In Spaces, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Mass ‘73, outdoor installations, Chicago, IL
112 Greene Street, NYC
Six Visions, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
New Sculpture: Jene Highstein/Richard Nonas, outdoor installations, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Artists Books, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA (Traveled to University Art Museum, University of California,
Berkeley, CA)
Anarchitecture Group, 112 Greene Street, NYC
Questions Answers, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Discussions: Works/Words, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., NY
Painting & Sculpture Today 1974, Contemporary Art Society, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Traveled to The Contemporary Art Center and The Taft Museum, Cincinnati, OH
Sculpture in the Fields, Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY
Artpark 1974, (Inaugural exhibition), Artpark, Lewiston, NY
Artists Make Toys, The Clocktower, The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., NY
Cologne Art Fair-Marilena Bonomo Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Opening Group Exhibition (Inaugural Exibition), Holly Solomon Gallery, NYC
Word Image Number, Sarah Lawrence Gallery, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Drawing and Sculpture of the ‘60’s and the ‘70’s from Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection, Institute of
Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (Painting, Traveled to Contemporary Art
Center, Cincinnati, OH)
Travaux sur Papier (First part), G. Mollet-Vieville/J.P. Najar, Paris, France
Travaux sur Papier (Second part), G. Mollet-Vieville/J.P. Najar, Paris, France
(Project Studios One) (Inaugural exhibition),The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., PS1, Long Island
City, NY
Holz=Kunst-Stoff, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, West Germany
New York Downtown Manhattan: SoHo, Akademie der Kunste and the Berliner Festwochen, Berlin, Germany
Private Notations: Artist’s Sketchbooks II, Philadelphia College of Art. Philadelphia, PA
A Month of Sundays, PS1 (Project Studios One), The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., Long
Island City, NY
Summer Group Exhibition, Holly Solomon Gallery, NYC
Hal Bromm, NYC
Art & Project Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Plastik und Zeichnung, Hetzler + Keller, Stuttgart, Germany
Collection in Progress: 200 or so Selections from the Collection of Milton Brutten and Helen Herrick, Moore
College of Art Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Improbable Furniture, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Documenta 6, Kassel, West Germany
Michael Goldberg/Richard Nonas/Lucio Pozzi/Lynn Umlaf, Young Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Works from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel, The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann
Arbor, MI
Bildhauerzeichnungen, Galerie D + C Mueller-Roth. Stuttgart, Germany
Indoor-Outdoor Sculpture, PS1 (Project Studios One), The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Inc., Long
Island City, NY
Painting & Sculpture Today 1978, The Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Sculpture, Hal Bromm, NYC
Atypical Works, Julian Pretto Gallery, NYC
Recent Works, John Weber Gallery, NYC
WordsWords, Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany (Traveled to Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy)
Procedimento-Process, Studio la Citta, Verona, Italy (Traveled to Galleria del Milione, Milan, Italy
Drawing, Hal Bromm, NYC
Five Sculptors, Yarlow/Salzman Gallery, Toronto, Canada
John Weber Gallery, NYC
Food and Frameworks, Holly Solomon Gallery, NYC
Sculpture at the Coliseum, Organized by the Institute for Art and Urban Resources Inc., Long Island City, NY
Recent Work/Gallery Artists, John Weber Gallery, NYC
112 Greene Street Revival, Ben Shahn Gallery, William Paterson College, NY
Alternatives in Retrospect: An Historical Overview 1969-1975, The New Museum
4 X 7 from The Vogel Collection, Ben Shahn Gallery, William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ
Collections of the Moderna Museet Stockholm, Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Group Show, Oil & Steel Gallery, NYC
Konstruckcja w Procesie, Sponsored by the Solidarity Union, Lodz, Poland
Ibid., Stockhold, Sweden
When Art Becomes Book, Annemarie Verna, Zurich, Switzerland
Monumental Drawings by Sculptors, Hillwood Art Gallery, C.W. Post Center, Long Island University, Greenvale,
New York i Linkoping, Ostergotlands Lansmuseum, Linkoping, Sweden
Terminal New York, Brooklyn Army Terminal, Brooklyn, NY
Sculpture: The Tradition in Steel, Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY
Iron Cast, Pratt Manhattan Center Gallery, NYC (Traveled to Pratt Institute Gallery, Brooklyn, NY)
The First Show: Painting and Sculpture from Eight Collections: 1940-1980, The Museum of Contemporary
Art, Los Angeles, CA
Noir & Blanc + Rouge, Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Various underground shows in illegal galleries, Poland
Installations, Directions on Broadway, NYC
Svart Pa Vitt: Maleri, Skulptur, Techning & Grafi k, Galleriet (Anders Tornberg Gallery), Lund, Sweden
Selected Recent Acquisitions, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC
Iron-Cast, Washington Square and Public Art Trust, Washington, DC
Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture V: 1957-1984, Oil & Steel Gallery, NYC The Dead Blimpie Show, NYC
Art on Paper 1984, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC
The Ways of Wood, Spponsored by the OIA, Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing, NY
Short Stories, Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Galeria Zapiecek, Warsaw, Poland
Galleria Exit Krista Mikkola, Helsinki, Finland
Artists’ Weapons, Ted Greenwald Gallery, NYC
Drawing and Sculpture, Manhattan Art, NYC
A New Beginning: 1968-78, The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY
Galleri Lang, Malmo, Sweden
Manhattan Art, NYC
The Maximal Implications of the Minimal Line, Bard College Museum, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Outdoor installations, Henie-Onstad Art Center, Borealis 2, Oslo, Norway
Ten, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Process und Konstruktion: 1985 in Munich, Munich, Germany
Selected Works from the Permanent Collection, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Heights, NY
Skouptur, Sodra Forstadsgatan, Malmo, Sweden
Outdoor installations, Grant Park, Atlanta, GA
Architectural Elements in Contemporary Art, Gallery 53/Smithy Artworks, Cooperstown, NY
Galleria Bonomo, Bari, Italy
Contacts/Contrasts, Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland
Works, Hoshour Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Outdoor installation, The Mattress Factory Show, Atlanta, GA
Pay Attention, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Walk On/Sit Down/GoThrough, outdoor installation, Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY
Craig Corneliuos Gallery, NYC
Attitude Art, Unmuzzled Ox Festival, NYC
Outside/In: Socrates Sculpture Park at Columbus Circle, City Gallery, NYC
Non-objective, Hal Bromm Gallery, NYC
Second Biennial Exhibition of Prints, Museum of Modern Artl Wakayama, Japan
10 for 10: Celebrating Printed Matter, The Great Hall of Cooper Union, NYC
With Humanity, Mary Delahoyd Gallery, NYC
Mind Over Matter, The Rye Art Center, Rye, NY
Black in the Light, Genovese Graphics, Boston, MA
From New York, Ace Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA
Private Works for Public Spaces, Erpf Gallery, NYC
Gordon Matta-Clark and Friends, Galerie Lelong, NYC
Coleccion Panza, Centro de Arte Reina Sofi a Madrid, Spain
The Material Image: Pure and Simple, Elizabeth McDonald Gallery, NYC
World Trade Center, NYC
Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Ace Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA
Artist’s Furniture, The Harcus Gallery, Boston, MA
Grounded: Sculpture on the Floor, The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI
Wanas Sculpture Park, Knislinge, Sweden
Permanent Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
About Round Round About, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Hand Body House, Ben Shahn Galleries, Wayne, NJ
Sculptor’s Drawings, L.A. Louver, Venice, CA
Wanas Sculpture Park, Knislinge, Sweden
L’Aventure de l’Abstraction de 1960 a 1990, La Fondation Deutsch, Belmont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
Un choix d’Art Minimal dans la collection Panza, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Post Minimalism 1979-1990, An extended harvest, Genovese Gallery Boston, MA
Works from the Seventies, Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, NY
Learn to Read Art: Artists’ Books, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Canada
Construction in Progress, Lodz, Poland
Nature’s Materials, North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, ND
Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
From the Collection of Laurie Vogel, Graham Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Out of Site, PS1 Museum, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Long Island City, NY
PS1 Museum, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Long Island City, NY
IIIeme Biennale de Sculpture Montecarlo 1991, Montecarlo, Monaco
Sites Choisis, Niort, France
Of Performances and Installations during the 1970s, Mary Delahoyd Gallery, NYC
LagerFeuer, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Collection One, Center for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
Bohuslans Museum, Tegel-92, Uddevalla, Sweden
Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke-Houte, Belgium
Vasaparken, Ute-Inne, Stockholm, Sweden
Gallery 360 Degrees, Tokyo, Japan
Lawrence Markey Gallery, NY
Floor Show, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Nine artists from 14 Harrison St., Alphirst Gallery, NYC
Edward Albee’s Other Eye, Hillwood Art Museum, Brookville, NY
Richard Nonas, Thomas Thiel, Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke-Zoute, Belgium
Differentes Natures, Visions de l’art contemporain, Galerie Art 4 et Galerie de l’Esplanade, Paris (La Defense),
Construction In Progress IV, Lodz, Poland
Pieces au Sol, Le Consortium, centre d’art contemporain, Dijon, France
Floor Show, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Zur.Zeit Klangobjekt-Skulpturprojekt Kunst.Halle.Krems. Krems, Austria
Traction: John Beech, Paul Dickerson, Richard Nonas, Stark Gallery, NYC
SKULPTUREN/GRAFIKEN Kosuth, Long, Morris, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
From Minimal to Conceptual Nauman, Nonas, Weiner, The National Galllery of Art, Washington, DC
Multiples 1992-1994, Gallery 360°, Tokyo, Japan
Site-ations, Cardiff, Wales, (Artists Project in association with Artists’ Museum Lodz)
Drawing Painting, Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
Learn to Read Art, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Temporarily Possessed: The Semi-Permanent Collection, The New Museum, NYC
(W)HO(W) ARE YOU, Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland
Richard Tuttle, Roni Horn, Richard Nonas, Gordon Matta-Clark, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
Lecture by nonas at Depot “Gordon Matta-Clark and the displacement of Nature”, NYC
1970’s Vienna Austria, Vienna, Austria
Gordon Matta-Clark Displacement, NYC
1970’s (Curated by Richard Nonas) Galerie Hubert Winter
På tröskeln outdoor sculpture exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden
Metallsymposium 96 outdoor sculpture Spital am Pyhrn, Austria
Festival International Montpellier Danse (collaboration with Steve Paxton), Montpellier, France
Carl von... Borås Konstmuseum (outdoor sculpture), Borås, Sweden
Andersson (outdoor sculpture), Umedalen Skulptur 96 Galleri Stefan Umea Sweden
Dominikanerkirche Jahrtausendwende Korrekturen, Krems, Austria
Luis Barragan: Sitio+Superfi cie, Su obra y la vanguardia en la arte, Antiguo Solegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico
City, Mexico
Luis Barragan: La luz y la linea, Museo Regional de Guadalajara, Guadalajara Mexico
Tinsel Tower The Clocktower, NYC
Landesmuseum schwere-los skulpturen, Linz, Austria
Ludwig Museum Budapest/Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst. Schwere-los Budapest, Hungary
Kunst im Kontorhaus Mitte, Berlin, Germany
Liveres d’ Artistes. L’ Invention d’ un Genre 1960-1980, Bibliothèque national de France, Galerie Mansart,
Paris, France
Umedalen Skulptur 97 Umea, Sweden
Livres d’artistes.L’invention d’un genre, Bibliothèque national de France Paris, France
Bild Museet [UME.SE] Umea, Sweden
Fragments de 1971 a 1996, El Museu d’Art de Gerona Una Collecció Particular, Girona, Spain
Palais Liechtenstein Sarajevo 2000, Vienna, Austria
Temporary Museum of Contemporary Art Sarajevo 2000, Sarajevo, Bosnia
Galerie Hubert Winter Heimatweh-fernlust, Vienna, Austria
Guggenheim Museum, Bilboa, Spain
Tim Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI
From Idea to Matter, curated by Edward Albee, Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA
Recent Large Scale Permanent Public Projects
Subway station Skarpnack, Stockholm, Sweden.
Urban axis consisting of pedestrian street, park and mall Rue de la Marine and redesigned landscape park
Parc de la Marine, Dunkerque, France.
Real Snakes in Imaginary Gardens (two garden projects), Festival International des Jardins, Chaumont sur
Loire, France
Outdoor steel sculpture, Musée de Grenoble, Grenoble France
Public plaza (with Gunilla Bandolin and Monika Gora), Stockholm Sweden
Circle of 12 granite chairs on large central plaza, Borås Sweden
Outdoor sculpture: 4 granite chairs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, MI
Permanent outdoor sculpture, Landesmuseum Francisco Carolinum, Linz, Austria
LaColonne Terminèe 3, permanent installation, Wanås Sculpture Park, Knislinger, Sweden
Parc de sculptures, Musée de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Large permanent stone sculpture overlooking lake, Moondsee, Austria
Chair/place installation, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
A Ghost in Every Kayak, Five Myles, NY.
Sophia&Maria and the Indians, Lawrence Markey Gallery NY.
Richard Nonas, Erik Stark Gallery, NY.
Richard Nonas, Tim Hill Gallery, Burmingham, MI.
Richard Nonas, Hubert Winter Gallery, Vienna Austria.
Richard Nonas, Tim Hill Gallery, Burmingham, MI.
Richard Nonas, Hubert Winter Gallery, Vienna, Austria.
Richard Nonas, lemmonscontemporary, NY.
Richard Nonas, Hubert Winter Gallery’ Vienna’ Austria.
aprile 2008
Richard Nonas – Una giornata particolare
25 aprile 2008
arte contemporanea
Buttrio, Via E. Morpurgo, 6, (Udine)
Buttrio, Via E. Morpurgo, 6, (Udine)
Orario di apertura
ore 10-20
25 Aprile 2008, ore 18