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Ahmed Barakat
Il titolo della mostra è “La Mariangela” e comprende 20 scatti fotografici di Ahmed Barakat che incarnano molti sentimenti diversi delle donne come rabbia, tristezza, ribellione e gioia. Può essere la madre, la sorella, la moglie o la figlia. Tutti noi siamo circondati dalle donne.
Comunicato stampa
Segnala l'evento
Mostra personale del fotografo egiziano Ahmed Barakat
A cura di Giovanna Gazzolo e Kristina Milakovic
Gall'Art Roma
Vicolo de' Bovari 7/a
Dal 18 al 27 novembre 2022
Vernissage: 18 novembre dalle ore 18.30
Siamo lieti di ospitare in galleria dal 18 al 27 novembre 2022, la mostra fotografica di Ahmed Barakat.
Il titolo della mostra è “La Mariangela” e comprende 20 scatti fotografici di Ahmed Barakat che incarnano molti sentimenti diversi delle donne come rabbia, tristezza, ribellione e gioia.
Barakat ha dichiarato: “Sono orgoglioso di essere stato invitato dalla Galleria Gall'Art Roma, in quanto straniero ed avere la mia mostra personale”
Può essere la madre, la sorella, la moglie o la figlia. Tutti noi siamo circondati dalle donne. Veniamo tutti dal grembo materno. Abbiamo le sorelle dello stesso sangue, mogli come partner dell'anima. Abbiamo figlie che sono parte di noi. La femmina è l'anima, il cuore e il sangue nelle vene.
La Mariangela è esempio di sentimenti dell'anima della donna che testimonia questa vita.
Questa è la visione dell'artista che non è uguale per tutti, giusta o sbagliata che sia.
The Solo Exhibition of the Egyptian Artist Ahmed Barakat
The capital city of Italy, Rome will host an exhibition of the Egyptian photography artist Ahmed Barakat at Gall’Art Roma gallery, on 18th November.
The title of the exhibition is the Mariangela and it includes more than 20 photos taken by Ahmed Barakat with his lens, embodying many different feelings of women such as anger, sadness, rebellion and joy.
The artist Ahmed Barakat said “I am proud of being invited by Gall'Art Roma Gallery, as an foreigner to have my solo exhibition there."
The exhibition will continue for 9 days, between 18th-27th November.
The Mariangela
She can be mother,sister,wife and daughter. We are all surrounding by female. We all come from womb of a mother. We have sisters of the same blood and wife as a soul partner. We have daughters part from us. The female is the soul,the heart and the blood in the veins.
The Mariangela is some cases of feelings that inside of the soul of the woman what happened to her from this life.
This is the vision of the artist and it is not general for all. It can be right or wrong.
AHMED BARAKAT is a contemporary Egyptian plastic artist. He was born in Kuwait in 1981 and lived in a society that comprised different cultures which prompted him to be open to other cultures and contributed to his vision to the world around him, which is characterized by being mature and different. His talent for drawing began at a young age with the encouragement of his parents and art teachers in various educational stages. He began to develop artistic talent when his interest for art rose during the school days in the preparatory and secondary stages. He first started using pencils and then water colors and some handicrafts such as tapping on copper, drawing on glass and others. Then he was graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo, Egypt department of interior design and decoration.
Barakat visited several European and Arab countries and participated in more than 70 exhibitions both individual,collective and international art activities which enhanced his talent and vision to the issues of interest and the possibility of its formulation in the vision of his artistic work.
He is one of the contemporary artists who transitioned from the frame of the painting with four sides to the art of composite works and installation work.
He showcased different techniques of drawing, sculpture, and painting with light, photography and installation art. He is a member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists and member of the Egyptian Free Theater Association in the field of decoration. He is also a member of the Egyptian Society for Photography, the International Federation of Photographic Art “FIAP”, and the Photographic Society of America “PSA”. In addition, his membership affiliation also includes the Saudi World of Photography Group “WPG” and the Afro-Asian Union for International Law and Dispute Settlement
Mostra personale del fotografo egiziano Ahmed Barakat
A cura di Giovanna Gazzolo e Kristina Milakovic
Gall'Art Roma
Vicolo de' Bovari 7/a
Dal 18 al 27 novembre 2022
Vernissage: 18 novembre dalle ore 18.30
Siamo lieti di ospitare in galleria dal 18 al 27 novembre 2022, la mostra fotografica di Ahmed Barakat.
Il titolo della mostra è “La Mariangela” e comprende 20 scatti fotografici di Ahmed Barakat che incarnano molti sentimenti diversi delle donne come rabbia, tristezza, ribellione e gioia.
Barakat ha dichiarato: “Sono orgoglioso di essere stato invitato dalla Galleria Gall'Art Roma, in quanto straniero ed avere la mia mostra personale”
Può essere la madre, la sorella, la moglie o la figlia. Tutti noi siamo circondati dalle donne. Veniamo tutti dal grembo materno. Abbiamo le sorelle dello stesso sangue, mogli come partner dell'anima. Abbiamo figlie che sono parte di noi. La femmina è l'anima, il cuore e il sangue nelle vene.
La Mariangela è esempio di sentimenti dell'anima della donna che testimonia questa vita.
Questa è la visione dell'artista che non è uguale per tutti, giusta o sbagliata che sia.
The Solo Exhibition of the Egyptian Artist Ahmed Barakat
The capital city of Italy, Rome will host an exhibition of the Egyptian photography artist Ahmed Barakat at Gall’Art Roma gallery, on 18th November.
The title of the exhibition is the Mariangela and it includes more than 20 photos taken by Ahmed Barakat with his lens, embodying many different feelings of women such as anger, sadness, rebellion and joy.
The artist Ahmed Barakat said “I am proud of being invited by Gall'Art Roma Gallery, as an foreigner to have my solo exhibition there."
The exhibition will continue for 9 days, between 18th-27th November.
The Mariangela
She can be mother,sister,wife and daughter. We are all surrounding by female. We all come from womb of a mother. We have sisters of the same blood and wife as a soul partner. We have daughters part from us. The female is the soul,the heart and the blood in the veins.
The Mariangela is some cases of feelings that inside of the soul of the woman what happened to her from this life.
This is the vision of the artist and it is not general for all. It can be right or wrong.
AHMED BARAKAT is a contemporary Egyptian plastic artist. He was born in Kuwait in 1981 and lived in a society that comprised different cultures which prompted him to be open to other cultures and contributed to his vision to the world around him, which is characterized by being mature and different. His talent for drawing began at a young age with the encouragement of his parents and art teachers in various educational stages. He began to develop artistic talent when his interest for art rose during the school days in the preparatory and secondary stages. He first started using pencils and then water colors and some handicrafts such as tapping on copper, drawing on glass and others. Then he was graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo, Egypt department of interior design and decoration.
Barakat visited several European and Arab countries and participated in more than 70 exhibitions both individual,collective and international art activities which enhanced his talent and vision to the issues of interest and the possibility of its formulation in the vision of his artistic work.
He is one of the contemporary artists who transitioned from the frame of the painting with four sides to the art of composite works and installation work.
He showcased different techniques of drawing, sculpture, and painting with light, photography and installation art. He is a member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists and member of the Egyptian Free Theater Association in the field of decoration. He is also a member of the Egyptian Society for Photography, the International Federation of Photographic Art “FIAP”, and the Photographic Society of America “PSA”. In addition, his membership affiliation also includes the Saudi World of Photography Group “WPG” and the Afro-Asian Union for International Law and Dispute Settlement
novembre 2022
Ahmed Barakat
Dal 18 al 27 novembre 2022
Roma, Vicolo de' Bovari, 7, (RM)
Roma, Vicolo de' Bovari, 7, (RM)
Orario di apertura
da lunedì a sabato ore 11-13 e 16-19
18 Novembre 2022, dalle 18,30
Sito web