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Terry Atkinson – American Civil War
Negli ultimi due anni, Terry Atkinson ha focalizzato la propria pratica artistica nella realizzazione di lavori ispirati dal particolare contesto storico della guerra civile americana e dalle conseguenze da essa generate.
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(below eng.text)
Galleria Six è lieta di presentare American Civil War, la seconda mostra personale dell'artista inglese Terry Atkinson, nato nel 1939 in Thurnscoe (Yorkshire)
Una selezione di opere di Terry Atkinson sulla guerra civile americana con un saggio critico scritto dall'artista stesso.
La guerra civile americana a metà del XIX secolo e la guerra civile russa all'inizio del XX secolo, hanno portato alla formazione delle due superpotenze del XX secolo,
gli Stati Uniti e l'Unione Sovietica.
Con la fine della seconda guerra mondiale le posizioni egemoniche delle due superpotenze divennero visibili e palpabili.
Da quel momento in poi queste due configurazioni politiche dominarono qualità, tempo e cultura della vita della generazione di Terry Atkinson in Gran Bretagna (e di molte altre comunità in tutto il mondo).
Galleria Six is pleased to introduce American Civil War, the second solo exhibition by english artist 's Terry Atkinson, 1939 Thurnscoe (Yorkshire)
A selection of American Civil War works by Terry Atkinson with a critical essay written by artist himself.
From these two events, the American Civil War in the middle of the nineteenth century and the Russian Civil War at the beginning of the twentieth century, emerged the United States and the Soviet Union, the two superpowers of the twentieth century.
By the close of World War 2 the two superpowers’ hegemonic positions became both visible and palpable.
From that point on these two political configurations dominated the quality, tempo and culture of the life of Terry Atkinson's generation in Britain (and many other communities throughout the world)
In the last two years, Terry Atkinson has foscused his artistic practice on the creation of works inspired by the particular historical context of the American Civil War and its consequences.
Terry Atkinson Founded two of the most influential artists' groups : Fine Artz , in 1963 with John Bowstead , Roger Jeff, and Bernard Jennings ; and, Art & Language in 1968 , with David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin and Harold Hurrell .
Since leaving Art & Language in 1974 , Atkinson has continued his practice as an artist via writings, object-making, and teaching.
Atkinson began teaching at UK art institutions in 1964 at Birmingham College of Art, and then moved to Coventry Collegeof Art in 1966.
From 1977 he taught at Leeds University's Department of Art History 6 Fine Art until 2005.
In 1985 he was nominated for the Turner Prize.
In 2018, Tate Modern London has acquired two
important works by Terry Atkinson
Galleria Six è lieta di presentare American Civil War, la seconda mostra personale dell'artista inglese Terry Atkinson, nato nel 1939 in Thurnscoe (Yorkshire)
Una selezione di opere di Terry Atkinson sulla guerra civile americana con un saggio critico scritto dall'artista stesso.
La guerra civile americana a metà del XIX secolo e la guerra civile russa all'inizio del XX secolo, hanno portato alla formazione delle due superpotenze del XX secolo,
gli Stati Uniti e l'Unione Sovietica.
Con la fine della seconda guerra mondiale le posizioni egemoniche delle due superpotenze divennero visibili e palpabili.
Da quel momento in poi queste due configurazioni politiche dominarono qualità, tempo e cultura della vita della generazione di Terry Atkinson in Gran Bretagna (e di molte altre comunità in tutto il mondo).
Galleria Six is pleased to introduce American Civil War, the second solo exhibition by english artist 's Terry Atkinson, 1939 Thurnscoe (Yorkshire)
A selection of American Civil War works by Terry Atkinson with a critical essay written by artist himself.
From these two events, the American Civil War in the middle of the nineteenth century and the Russian Civil War at the beginning of the twentieth century, emerged the United States and the Soviet Union, the two superpowers of the twentieth century.
By the close of World War 2 the two superpowers’ hegemonic positions became both visible and palpable.
From that point on these two political configurations dominated the quality, tempo and culture of the life of Terry Atkinson's generation in Britain (and many other communities throughout the world)
In the last two years, Terry Atkinson has foscused his artistic practice on the creation of works inspired by the particular historical context of the American Civil War and its consequences.
Terry Atkinson Founded two of the most influential artists' groups : Fine Artz , in 1963 with John Bowstead , Roger Jeff, and Bernard Jennings ; and, Art & Language in 1968 , with David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin and Harold Hurrell .
Since leaving Art & Language in 1974 , Atkinson has continued his practice as an artist via writings, object-making, and teaching.
Atkinson began teaching at UK art institutions in 1964 at Birmingham College of Art, and then moved to Coventry Collegeof Art in 1966.
From 1977 he taught at Leeds University's Department of Art History 6 Fine Art until 2005.
In 1985 he was nominated for the Turner Prize.
In 2018, Tate Modern London has acquired two
important works by Terry Atkinson
giugno 2019
Terry Atkinson – American Civil War
Dal 10 giugno al 27 luglio 2019
arte contemporanea
Milano, Piazzale Gabrio Piola, 5, (Milano)
Milano, Piazzale Gabrio Piola, 5, (Milano)
Orario di apertura
da martedì a sabato ore 15-19
10 Giugno 2019, ore 18.30