Categorie: Inglese

16 aprile 1999 – 2 maggio 1999 | “Dieci Nobel per il futuro” | Milano, Spazio Corneliani – Via Durini 24 |

di - 22 Aprile 1999

On April 16, 1999 in the Corneliani show room, at 24 Via Durini, Milan (Italy) she will inaugurate the exhibition of Paola Levi Montalcini, her twin sister. Sixty-five works (from 1939 to 1992) in paintings and sculptures, some of which never exhibited before, will be the protagonists in the charming nineteenth-century halls of the Corneliani Show Room. The exhibition will be open until May 2, 1999 (opening time: 10.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.)

<img src="/foto/RLMCurva_di_Whitney_vista_dai_parametri_interni_1974.jpg" alt="Curva di Whitney vista dai parametri interni 1974" width=150 hight=150 border=0

The Corneliani company has always been inspired from the Italian tradition and culture of fine menswear and has been among the very first companies having approached arts and fashion. Planning and giving hospitality to this unique event it wishes to pay homage, in the year of their ninety birthday, to these uncommon ladies of our century, who have been able to express in such a different way their spirit and their science


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