Categorie: Inglese

dal 7 ottobre 1999 al 9 gennaio 2000 | At Buonarroti’s home “Michelangelo’s youth” |

di - 21 Novembre 1999

For this occasion some statues and pictures located at National Gallery have been sent from London (“Madonna di Manchester”), from French Embassy in New york (“Il fanciullo arcere”) from the Duomo of Siena (“San Paolo”), from Bologna (“San Proclo”, “San Petronio”, “Angelo Reggicandelabro”)
This art exhibition celebrates the undisputed genius of universal art. It tries to make clear all the steps of artist growth, nowadays rather unknown, that preludes the Michelangelo’s genius explosion.
His youth , every suggestion and his learning, all the elements that built up his artist temper, are still mysterious. Thanks to this exhibition it could be possibile to understand more. It’d be possible to compare his features with his cultural and social context. A very difficult mission since many of his features were missed.
There more that 70 works showed inside two significant places, his home, where he lived from 1516 to 1525, lately transformed into a temple to his memory by his nephew, and Palazzo Vecchio, where on 1504 was exhibited his David, symbol of Republic freedom.
During this tour it’ll be possible to compare Michelangelo with his contemporaries, Verrocchio, Donatello, Botticelli, Bertoldo di Giovanni, Piero di Cosimo.
An exhibition with an high value and a great quality.
BR>Itl 15.000 single
Itl 12.000 groups
Itl 5.000 schools
Information: tel.: 055215271


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