Categorie: Inglese

FLORENCE | Models by Michelangelo in Casa Buonarroti | Permanent exposition | Casa Buonarroti

di - 18 Dicembre 2000

Ten models by Michelangelo, unique for their charm and their importance, are at last put on display in a room prepared on purpose, where you can turn around these beautiful sculptures and observe them properly. The wooden crucifix by Michelangelo which was kept here has been given back to the Basilica of Santo Spirito, for which it was sculpted, and now the room will be permanently occupied by the models.
The models owned to Casa Buonarroti and were on display yet, but they were not considered as a collection, and studied in their relationships one to another.
The selection of works displayed in the room include models by Michelangelo himself, models attributed to the artist, and two works by his followers: the “Madonna with her Child” by Vincenzo Danti and a bas–relief Deposition deriving from an invention by Michelangelo.
At the centre of the room the group of the two fighters stands out. Another interesting work is a Crucifix, sculpted on wood by Michelangelo, when he was an old man. The other Michelangelo’s wooden sculpture known, is the Crucifix that was in this room and is now in Santo Spirito.

English version by Simona Piselli

Casa Buonarroti
via Ghibellina, 70
from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Closed on Tuesday
telephone: 055 241752

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