Categorie: Inglese

From December 22nd to June 11th 2000 | A hundred masterpieces from Hermitage | Impressionists and Avant Garde at the Papal Stables in the Quirinale | Rome: Via XXIV Maggio 16

di - 2 Gennaio 2000

The exhibition «A hundred masterpieces from Hermitage» of Saint Petersburg , located in the magnificent Papal stables in the Qurinale (recently restored), is an extraordinary journey trough the nodal points of the European painting between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth Century.
From the triumph of the light «impressed» on the canvas with the force of passional lovers, to the strong strokes of a painter who was going to become an icon of the Century.
Among his cubist works, the ones which were changing definitely the previous figurative schemes, Picasso in 1909, said: «A break was necessary to provoke a revolution in order to begin all over again. I forced myself to meet the new movement. The problem now is overcoming the object and give a plastic expression to the result». The statement can be intended as the exaltation of the form. Or, al least, one of the several plastic forms constituting the subject of the representation.

About thirty years before , Manet shouted out: «There is only one truth: do immediately what you see. I loathe everything superfluous. The rules of the painting destroyed us. How could we clear up them?»
Thirty years to accomplish a revolution. How much subversive force in the works of the «impressionists»: rebels against the rules of painting, lovers of the colour, adorer of the light, in the name of which they sacrificed everything, exalting its plastic values.
Between these thirty years , everything happens: symbolism, nabism, fauvism, pointillism. Artist who did the story of the art: Renoir, Degas, Rosseau, Gauguin, Sisley.
And in conclusion, Matisse, the man who says: «The work derive from ourselves. My drawings and my canvas are part of me. Together they are Henri Matisse».

Where did we started?
From the Nineteenth Century art, where the predominance of the subjectwas a guarantee for the result of the work (which was basically painting).
Where did we arrived? To an anonymous subject, a subjective unrealism looking for the all the forms staying behind the objective form.
All in a hundred masterpieces. Do not miss it.

Where:Rome – Scuderie Papali al Quirinale (Papal Stables, Quirinale) Via XXIV Maggio 16
When: 22 December 1999 11 June 2000
Openings: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
10.00 am 7.00pm (the box office closes at 6.00 pm)
Thursday, Friday e Saturday 10.00 am 11.00 pm
(the box office closes at 10.00 pm)
Infoline: information 24 hours a day and box office : tel. +39 06 83138313
Group reservations: tel. +39 06 83138314
Ticket: 15.000 Italian Liras
Reductions: 8.000/12.000 Italian liras
Booking: +39 02 54271 (from Monday to Saturday 10 am 5 pm)
Italy: Box Office Italia.
International: Global Tickets
Catalogue: Electa

Domenico Guarino


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