Categorie: Inglese

ROME | Until the 12th.II.2001 | Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt | Palazzo Ruspoli |

di - 23 Novembre 2000

Was her so beautiful, or only fascinating? Corrupted queen or skilled governor?
The exposition in Palazzo Ruspoli answers to all these questions, through 350 archaeological findings, coming from the most important museums in the world: The British museum, the Hermitage and the Egyptian museum in the Cairo etc. The aim of the exposition is to reconstruct scientifically the story and personality of Cleopatra. Her figure in fact has been always distorted by her myth.
According to Egyptian sources she is a woman of fine education, skilled and severe governor, famous in her country especially for her life, more than for her romantic and sensual death.]
The exposition starts with findings from Alessandria, Cleopatra’s native city and capital of the Hellenism. A complete series of Hellenistic portrays is on display.
Other sections are centred on Cleopatra’s image, on her encounter with Cesar and Marcantonio, and on the battle of Anzio, followed by the queen’s death. The last section is in the beautiful rooms of Palazzo Ruspoli’s stables; here many findings are on display, representing Egyptian influences on Rome.
The beautiful exposition will be in London, at the British Museum, after this Italian “rendez vous”.

English version by Simona Piselli

Cleopatra queen of Egypt, Palazzo Ruspoli, 408, Via del Corso st.
Everyday 9.30 – 19.30, Saturday 9.30 – 20.30
info: 06 6874704;


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