Categorie: Inglese

VENICE | Until the 1st.VII.2001 | Etruscans | Palazzo Grassi |

di - 18 Dicembre 2000

The important pre-roman population is now on display in two great expositions, in Bologna and in Venice in the famous Palazzo Grassi, the important palace owned by FIAT.
Through this huge series of findings visitors can observe the whole Etruscan’s history: from Villanovan urns for ashes, bearing witness of a very early period, to the Hellenism.
The collection on display is really exceptional: the Chimera, Euphronios’works, the much famous Arringatore, the Tabula Cortonensis, Piacenza’s liver; these are the findings deserving alone a visit to this exposition
So is this a beautiful exposition? The works on display are surely splendid, but there are some problems in the displaying: panels for explications are very brief, and maybe too much concise for visitors who are not expert of Etruscan history. Besides, they are written only in Italian; so foreign visitors must obtain explications renting an audio guide..
So, we can say that the selection of findings and their organisation is excellent, the displaying is nice and evocative from the aesthetic point of view, but a visitors who doesn’t know well Etruscan history finds some difficulties in understanding the importance and the fundamental role of the findings on display.

related articles:
The exposition in Bologna

English version by Simona Piselli

The exposition is open everyday, apart from the 24th, 25th and 31st of December, 2000 and the 1st of January, 2001, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. You can buy tickets until 6 p.m.
From the 12th of Febraury to the 20th of May, 2001, on Friday and Saturday Palazzo Grassi is open until 10 p.m. Prices: £15.000, £10.000 with a reduction.

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