Categorie: exibart.segnala

222 emerging Italian artists worth investing in / 2018

di - 26 Ottobre 2017
222 emerging Italian artists worth investing in / 2018
Selected by the most prestigious curators, critics, journalists and art galleries

edited by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi

The identikit of the emerging Italian artists selected

It is a very fluid, fragmented one. They are young talents, generally under 35, as I have already said. Many are already a presence in the art world, some are not. Some have already gained experience, some are fresh from their art academy lessons. Some have already appeared in important exhibitions, including biennials. Some have yet to present their first solo exhibition. Or have got no further than that. And are therefore practically unknown. All, however, are worth investing in. Though with different evaluations.

The range of investigation has been extended over a wide catchment area, taking in a heterogeneous cross-section of artists, places, expressive languages and project concepts. From hybrid artistic inquiry to techno-sciences and genetic art. From the relationship between body and power, information and power to queer studies and gender studies. From individuals’ relations with their own existence, with individual and collective memory, with their emotions and feelings, to the concept of the collective and to reflections on how a community can be constructed that goes beyond individualism and particularism. From ecological questions to considerations on time, understood as a flow, an incessant continuity of mutations and transience. These are just a few of the experimental paths and orientations described in the book, which reflects the complexity of the world today, the multiplicity of positions and the variety of practices in contemporary Italian art.

The monographic descriptions

One page has been dedicated to each emerging artist selected. It includes a photographic reproduction of one or more works, biographical data, a statement by the artist or a text – in this case bilingual, in Italian and English – describing the artist’s work in a few lines. It concludes with the artist’s personal website, their Instagram and/or Facebook pages, the website of their gallery/galleries of reference (where present) and, lastly, the price range of their works.

We hope, therefore, that this publishing project may be useful not just to experienced or budding collectors, to enthusiasts making their first or second purchase of contemporary art. We hope it may also be useful to gallery owners, critics and curators, as a help in setting up, for example, future solo and collective exhibitions. Or awards, competitions and artists-in-residence.

The final aim is to help further a collective awareness that will contribute to promoting the artistic values of emerging artists in Italy as a lever for economic and civil development.

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