22 maggio 2006

Bruna Esposito da Federico Luger Gallery a Milano



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[22|05|2006] |||arte contemporaneapersonale

Bruna Esposito da Federico Luger Gallery a Milano


opening 25 maggio 2006 | 19:00 | federico luger gallery | milano

Born in 1960 in Rome. Lives and works in Roma and Città Sant’Angelo, Italy

After Fine Arts High School, she attended shortly at the department of Architecture in the State University n Rome. She lived and worked in New York from 1980s where she studied dance with Batya Zamir. In 1984 she attended at the Whitney Museum’s Indipendent Studio Program. From ‘85 she lived and worked in West Berlin where she received a grant from the I.B.A. in support of a project for “Two Public Compost Toilets”.
In 1989 returned in Italy and in ’90 she attended at Mosaic school at C.I.S.I.M. in Ravenna. In 1994 / 95 advanced sculpture instructor at Temple University in Rome.
Her works exhibited at several international exhibitions, among which the institutional shows: Documenta X in Kassel, the 48th and 51st Venice Biennials. Istanbul Biennale in 2003. Korean Biennial in 2004. Awarded in 1999 with the P.S.1 Italian Studio Program. Golden Lion for the national Pavillion together with four artists at Venice Biennale in 1999. Winner, as most voted by the public, of the Italian young artist National Prize in 2000.

Bruna Esposito. Alla turca
Dal 25/05/06 al 15/10/06
visitabile dal martedì al venerdì dalle 15:30 alle 19:00
Catalogo Testi di Dan Cameron e Bruna Esposito
Federico Luger gallery
Via Felice Casati 26, Milano
20124 (porta Venezia)
Tel: +39 02 67391341 Fax: +39 0248013785

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