Firenze |

di - 9 Dicembre 1999

But no one, or only few, seems to know it. From the balcony of the museum Della Ragione, which is situated in the magnificent and central Piazza della Signoria , the daily show is visible: a crowd of tourists endlessly queuing in front of Palazzo Vecchio or the «Galleria degli Uffizi». This happens while, in the elegant and discreet rooms of the Italian Twentieth Century Art Museum, there are only few art lovers, all of whom come here by chance.
The location of the gallery deserves a better destiny, due to the quantity (411 works) and the quality of the sculptures and the paintings exhibited, and the importance of the artists present in the Museum.
Among the Alberto della Ragione collections there are those of Rosai and Aldo Palazzeschi, collections which include works from CarrĂ  to Morandi, from De Chirico to Guttuso and Rosai. Absolute masterpieces, carefully watched over by a kind and diligent staff.
The Museum is located on two floors, but one is often closed for the lack of control personnel. Furthermore, the «Raccolta» is located in a building which was not designed for a public space (eg. as a museum) and this causes several problems, for instance the lack of structures for handicapped people.
All these drawbacks could be easily overcome if there was the will to let the museum be known by the largest number of people. On the contrary, the entrance of the museum is hidden between a bank and a bar.
The Museum is included in the tourist guides between the state museums. Would it be so difficult to place a visible notice in front of the entrance?
A notice to let the tourists admire the masterpieces exhibited?

Museo d’Arte Italiana del Novecento
5 P.zza della Signoria
Florence, Italy
Tel. (39) 055 283078
We advise you to call the museum for the opening hours
Not accessible for handicapped people
Tickets: L. 4.000

Domenico Guarino


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